From The Author

Hey Readers! If you are looking for some excitement and mystery, with a little adventure, you have come to the right place! 'The Mystery of M' Series is targeted toward teen to young adults who enjoy a good mystery/adventure. Be sure to click on "Comment" and leave me a note with your thoughts. Enjoy the site!

Monday, January 11, 2021

Naming Characters

How do you come up with a name for a character? Well, for me, it has been a different process depending on how I think up the character. As some of my readers may know, I met a horse once whose name was Chili and I loved it! The horse had a great disposition and we got along good on the trail ride. I kept going back to that name when I was trying to come up with the name for my main female character and soon came up with Chyli. It is fun to have a main character with a very unique first name. 

Now Jake. When I came up with the name it was one I liked, but I didn't know anybody specific with that name. Of course after I wrote my first book I literally met 2 Jakes and one even drove a motorcycle. Funny, right?

Cyndy...that was a fun name because I loved the name Cindy, but wanted a different spelling. You'll find  that several of my characters, (reoccurring and who might show up just in one least so far) had ordinary names with different spellings. That was a way to make them special. I guess the only problem is some people might say the name wrong, depending on how I spelled it. Heehee!

MOMaverick was an especially fun mystery with the names. I did a lot of research on what the names meant and picked ones that had the meanings I wanted to convey. That doesn't mean you have to use names for your characters because they mean something specific. As the writer you can decide if the meaning of the name is important or not. Just have fun with it!

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