From The Author

Hey Readers! If you are looking for some excitement and mystery, with a little adventure, you have come to the right place! 'The Mystery of M' Series is targeted toward teen to young adults who enjoy a good mystery/adventure. Be sure to click on "Comment" and leave me a note with your thoughts. Enjoy the site!

Monday, January 15, 2024

Write Your Own Story: Outlines

In school I learned the very detailed outline with Roman numerals, letters, and indents. If that is the way you enjoy planning out your books, that's awesome! It's just not me, so here are a few other ideas to consider when thinking about planning out your book.

Bubble diagram - this can help get the creative juices flowing and show you how much fun the planning stage can be. The key with this bubble is you can change it depending on what ideas you already have for your book. Don't get overwhelmed, here's an exercise to show you what I mean. 

1. Supplies - Grab a piece of paper (I suggest 8.5"x11") and a pen. I say pen because during his brainstorming you don't want to take time and erase. You're the creator and you don't have to share this with anyone, so there are no wrong answers. 

2. Topic - Okay, start with something as the central ideas, that will be the bubble in the middle of the page. You can be specific on topic or literally write the word "sky" in that center bubble. 

Okay, now that your have your topic. Seriously, if you don't have a topic picked, join me in writing "sky" in the middle of the page and you'll see how you can start there to form any number of stories!

3. Start building your story by adding connecting bubbles to the main bubble...things like "blue", "clouds", "airplane", "pilot" 

 Just keep adding connecting bubbles to the bubbles already there. Write down any word that comes to mind, like a said before, there are no wrong answers. Feel free to draw lines to connect the bubbles and use a squiggly line if you don't think you want the line there anymore (that's why I said use a pen). 

What does your page look like now? I'd love to see! Email me at

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